We invite you to join our growing group of Recruitment and Search Advisors. The RASAs are faculty and staff who have received 16 hours of training through Oregon State’s Search Advocate Program to serve as external members of faculty search committees. They serve as partners and resources to faculty search committees by providing guidance regarding evidence-based practices in recruiting and hiring talented faculty. Please fill out this form, if you would like to participate in a virtual training to become a RASA in January 2024. This training will address various forms of bias and ways to ensure equitable search and selection processes. It is also relevant to a wide range of selection processes, including graduate admissions.


Dates: January 4, 5, 11, 12, 2024
Times: 12 – 4 p.m.

If you have any questions or would like additional information about the RASA program, please contact Aurora Kamimura (she/her/ella), Assistant Provost for Inclusive Excellence, at aurorak@wustl.edu.


Please complete the following registration form by end-of-day December 27, 2023.

This form is currently closed for submissions.