Student organizations and academic departments in need of funding to defray accommodations expenses for events speakers and attendees with disabilities may apply for funding.

Requests must be made a minimum of three weeks prior to the event. You can expect a decision within ten business days of your request.

This fund is jointly administered by the Center for Diversity & Inclusion and the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Diversity.

Academic department event accommodation request form

Event Accommodations Fund

Faculty Contact Person

Campus Box of faculty contact.

Primary Hosting School/Department Information

Type N/A if you do not belong to a specific department within your school or if your school does not have departments.

Business Manager Contact Person

This should be the name and contact information of the staff member responsible for accounting in your academic unit.
List all co-sponsoring department(s)/programs(s)/speaker series/conference(s) or external partners. Type “none” if there are no co-sponsors. Note there can be only one application per event.

Event & Accommodation Information

State reason for request. What accommodation is being addressed?
If your request for accommodation funding is speaker specific, please include speaker names. If not type N/A.
Website/URL of event. Type “none” if there is not a website/URL.
How much will the services you are seeking for your event cost? Funds are limited. This fund is set up to help defray accommodations expenses for speakers and attendees with disabilities, for academic unit-sponsored events.

Maximum file size: 16MB

Please upload documentation from vendor showing the cost estimate for services being sought for your event.

Maximum file size: 16MB

Upload approval note or email from your dean or department chair. This need not be a formal letter. Documentation can include an email chain showing dean/chair approval.

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