The Office of the Provost will its fourth annual writing retreat for Danforth assistant and associate professors. Priority registration will be given assistant professors and to faculty who did not attend previous writing retreats. Accommodations, meeting spaces, and meals are covered by the Office of the Provost. Attendees need to provide their own transportation.

See what previous attendees have said about the retreat:

“The Writing Retreat helped me to launch a new area of research, giving me uninterrupted time to perform literature review and assemble my thoughts in writing. The retreat also helped me network with colleagues at WashU and find collaborators”

“The retreat was amazing; it provided me protected time and space to finish a grant proposal, which has subsequently supported multiple funding proposals to support my research.”

Details for Upcoming 2025 Retreat

Date: August 10-12, 2025
Location: The Inns at St. Albans (~ 45 minutes from Danforth campus)

Deadline to Apply is April 30th!


Writing Retreat 2025
First Name
Last Name
*Cell phone, to be used for timely communication during retreat or in case of emergency.
If accepted, I commit to attending the aforementioned dates/times?
Would you need transportation to and/or from the retreat location?
Are you willing to carpool other participants with your own vehicle?
*Example: some condos may require the use of stairs.
Would you be interested in group discussions of your writing during the retreat?
Would you be interested in group writing sessions during the retreat?